new media technologies were vital in the development of my products. Right from the start, in the early research stages, I used search engines on the internet such as "Google" and "Bing" to discover and look up different factors and images, such as the layout of film posters and magazine covers. I them used the film information database website IMDB to look up information on the horror films that I had selected, as well as discover other films (such as the brilliant Colin) which I could base mine upon. This was vital in discovering the budgets, storylines and themes within these film. I also used youtube, the video sharing website to watch, and make notes on, all the trailers that I was later going to base my own trailer upon . This allowed me to understand the layout and timing, as well as the use of music within these trailers. Of course I also used the blog website "Blogger" which allowed me to keep records of the journey making the products have taken me through, as well as creating a space which I can show my products on, very easily. It also means that anyone in the world can now enjoy and read through this blog, and leave comments, which I find quite thrilling.
When it came to actually shooting the footage, I was able to use a very hightech Sony HD camera, which has a very high picture quality and has many other abilities. It had facial recognition, which meant I was able to judge if an actors face was in the centre of the shot of not. It also had a very high zoom capability, which meant I was able to get close up shots, that otherwise would have been impossible. This was brilliant, as it allowed me to take footage, that looks both professional and realistic due to the brilliant picture quality. When it came to actually uploading the footage however, the computer that I was using did not take the file format that the videos I had shot were in. I therefore had to use a file converter, (Format factory) which the school handily had already on their system, which allowed me to change the type of file the video was shot in, to one the computer could read. Sadly, this did reduce the quality of the footage a bit, but it was still of high quality.
When it came to putting my trailer together, I used Adobe Premier Elements, which is film making software. This was completely new to me, as I had never used software like it, so had to take quite a bit of time looking up on the internet how to use it. However, I fully enjoyed learning all the interesting things that you can achieve with the programme, such as cutting down video footage, removing the sound from the video, creating interesting transitions between scenes and adding music and sounds to the footage yourself. For the music I used 2 distinct songs. One was of a music box which recorded myself on the camera, uploaded it to Premier Elements, then deleted the video footage. The other was a song that my Indiana had created, then uploaded to the music sharing site "SoundCloud" this site allowed me to view Indiana's, as well as thousands of others peoples, music and also allowed me to download the song, as well as embed it into this blog. This site was invaluable, as it allowed me gain music for free, as long as I had permission from the creator.
When it came to actually shooting the footage, I was able to use a very hightech Sony HD camera, which has a very high picture quality and has many other abilities. It had facial recognition, which meant I was able to judge if an actors face was in the centre of the shot of not. It also had a very high zoom capability, which meant I was able to get close up shots, that otherwise would have been impossible. This was brilliant, as it allowed me to take footage, that looks both professional and realistic due to the brilliant picture quality. When it came to actually uploading the footage however, the computer that I was using did not take the file format that the videos I had shot were in. I therefore had to use a file converter, (Format factory) which the school handily had already on their system, which allowed me to change the type of file the video was shot in, to one the computer could read. Sadly, this did reduce the quality of the footage a bit, but it was still of high quality.
When it came to putting my trailer together, I used Adobe Premier Elements, which is film making software. This was completely new to me, as I had never used software like it, so had to take quite a bit of time looking up on the internet how to use it. However, I fully enjoyed learning all the interesting things that you can achieve with the programme, such as cutting down video footage, removing the sound from the video, creating interesting transitions between scenes and adding music and sounds to the footage yourself. For the music I used 2 distinct songs. One was of a music box which recorded myself on the camera, uploaded it to Premier Elements, then deleted the video footage. The other was a song that my Indiana had created, then uploaded to the music sharing site "SoundCloud" this site allowed me to view Indiana's, as well as thousands of others peoples, music and also allowed me to download the song, as well as embed it into this blog. This site was invaluable, as it allowed me gain music for free, as long as I had permission from the creator.
When creating the movie poster and the magazine cover, I used the programme Adobe Photoshop CS2 which is a image editing programme. I had already used the programme many times before in previous media projects, so was fairly secure with using it to create products of a reasonably high standard. The programme allowed me to take pictures that I had taken myself, as well as had downloaded from the internet, and take parts from each to create one picture with elements from all. I was able to take the title of the magazine for my magazine cover from a copy of it that was on the internet, so I did not have to try and recreate it myself. I was also able to add text from a site, reletively easily. The programme also allowed me to edit, and put effects onto an image which increased the effect of the poster and magazine. For example, for the magazine cover I was able to make one part of the image black and white, while the rest was in colour. In the poster, I placed 2 images over the top of each other, then made the top one opaque so that you can see the other through it. This all helped to add to the horror feel of each piece, and made it that much more believable.